Roklean Recylcing System
Roklean company offerings a comprehensive solution with wide range filtration technology to overcome shortage of water and over demand of utilities in various industries. >20 yrs of in hand experience in filtration & recycling process, Rokleana introducing conventional membrane systems with advance technology to treat kind of Raw water, Borewell water, River water, Pond water, surface water & ETP treated water.
Ultra Filtration System :
Liquid with high viscosity or heavy SS require wide flow path for filtration. Tubular membrane system with adjustable cross flow & external installation makes it easy run under optimal condition.
- ETP treated water
- RO Pretreatment
- Cooling tower water reuse
- Food & Breweries
- Alkali Recovery
Membrane bioreactor is a combination of membrane process like microfiltration or ultrafiltration with biological waste water treatment process & activated sludge process. It is widely used for municipal & industrial waste water treatment.
Bioreactor with composite unit of membrane filtration along with biological treatment process is an advance technology replacing traditional secondary sedimentation tank use for sludge separation.
SMBR is a submerged back washable spiral membrane used in field of industrial waste water.
The open flow channels enable aggressive air scouring where bubbles scrub the membrane surface to clean submerged system rely on the slight vacuum generated by centrifugal pumps pressure pulling water through membrane barrier.
Traditional membrane technology increases demand and expectations of industries. STRO is specially design to enhance membrane performance such as lower feed water quality & higher concentration in brine with high recovery rates. Longer cleaning frequency increases the life of membranes.
Very difficult to choose correct filtration method for complex industrial water. DTRO with external fitment can handle High TDS & COD. With an open channel flow path and high turbulence in feed flow path helps to handle higher TSS & SDI. Every individual modules can be bypassed and repaired during the plant operation without affecting the plant operation. Module design to hooked all Feed, Brine & permeate at one end (Bottom)and other end (Top) is to open for maintenance.
Benefits :
- Easy maintenance & minimum downtime.
- Recover module with replacing partial membrane cushion..
- Minimize Scaling & Fouling. CIP within the system.
- Lower feed quality with higher recoveries.
- Can handle High TDS, COD, BOD,SDI. Handle
- Easy online checks for individual module performance.
Applications of Disk Tube RO :
- Hi TDS RO Reject
- Desalination
- Leachate
- Industrial effluents
(Pharma,Chemical,Textile,Tanneries,Starch,Food&Breweries,Dyes, Automobile etc.)
ZLD become very mandatory for all the industries using water in process. MEE designing is very important to evaporate/concentrate the product or waste water with minimal utilities. Selection of MOC with respect to the product/effluent characteristics for longer life and better performance is an engineering task.
ATFD can be the next step to convert hi concentrated liquid into the powder form.